The Fat Gym Rat
Got another *tsk tsk* today. I've been warned against crash diets. Is this a crash diet if I've been trying all sorts of things and nothing's working? Is it a crash if I am working out and consulting a previous trainer for advice?
2 years ago I weighed 30 pounds less. I would not call myself a sedentary person, so where did this bulk of weight come from? I started taking some meds a couple years ago that I think may be (partly) to blame, but these meds I cannot come off of. So what to do? I'm not a lazy dieter who focuses on food alone, and won't get her ass off the couch to exercise. Oh no. I kick ass at the gym. I'm in there with the musclehead packs, lifting weights. I'm sweating all over the place during cardio, because if you're not sweating, you're not working hard enough.
I don't feel like I eat horribly, in that I am not a fast food person, I love my veggies, and I try focus on things that are good for me. So why has it been such a bitch of a chore?
People claim it's not true, but there are people who are born thin and will stay that way forever with minimal effort. And then there are people like me who are very into health and may not look like it. Which sucks holy ass.
There was an episode of House on last week that made me hate Dr. Chase. There was a little girl who had a heart attack while jumping rope at school. I believe she was 9-10 years old and being teased horribly by her classmates. Children can be real rat bastards if you ask me. But, I digress. The girl ate healthy, exercised and was still big. It was wrecking her emotionally, as she could find no friends but her mother. Dr. Chase constantly made bitchy remarks about her, suggesting she stop stuffing her face, get off the couch, etc. He was a real dick. Still hot with that accent, but a dick. Turned out the girl had glandular problems, and once the renegade catalyst was removed, the weight dropped like magic. This episode of House exposed the idea of fattism, which Chase clearly is. Of course, who doesn't, truly?
My takeaway is that you can't look at someone and tell how hard they are trying. There are gals at my gym who are there religiously, kicking ass. They are no skinny minnies. Then look at some of the girls who went to my old gym, who refused to break a sweat on minimal-resistance elliptical machines. These girls for sure were pounding burgers at lunch, and still seemed marathon runners compared to others.
Points to ponder, people.
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