Wednesday, March 09, 2005

On the Eve of the Crue

Johnson and I are getting all dorked up about the big night tomorrow night. Bouncing emails back and forth on all things Crue. Hypothesizing on what to expect for tomorrow night's feast for the demented senses. Here's a snippet of what we think. Thanks to Johnson and his always-on quips. The day after the sinful showdown, mayhaps I will post our post-show musings.

From: Amber
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 11:04 AM
To: Johnson
Subject: RE: Crue

maybe i'll just cut and paste this convo into my blog. i've been meaning to get you on for a guest spot...

"Johnson" wrote:

I don’t think they have a show tonight, so yes, I think they are here right now.

All four of those are great – but I laughed out loud at the Mick comment…

From: Amber
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 10:58 AM
To: Johnson
Subject: RE: Crue

do you think they're here? could you imagine? makes me want to head out somewhere seedy at lunch just to see if i could accidentally run into them. i've been waiting years to meet nikki face to face and ask him just what the hell he was thinking with his psycho bass solo on the generation swine tour. if i met tommy i'd of course ask to see his monster-schlong. if i met vince i'd take him for a beer and try to stare at him hard enough to find the scars. and if i met mick i'd just take his cane and let him grab my arm to walk.

"Johnson" wrote:

Excellent idea.

Where do you think they are staying? They could be in Chicago right now. They go to Moline, IL after Chicago, so maybe they just take off in their separate buses after the show.

From: Amber
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 10:53 AM
To: Johnson
Subject: RE: Crue

that's a good idea. maybe a before and after type of thing. see if the event lives up to all your expectations. i'm not doing a whole helluva lot today. mayhaps i'll blog on it, too. find some hot links to put in there, lay the visual ground, you know...

"Johnson" wrote:

I’m actually pretty excited about it. I’ve heard there will be dominatrix midgets on the stage at some point. I do like to go back to my “arena metal” roots from time to time. What’s cool is that this actual venue is where I saw a ton of big metal shows back in the old days. When Mark and I went to see Scorps, Whitesnake and Dokken there a couple years ago – it was sort of magical.

As far as the Crue goes, I haven’t seen them since the Girls, Girls, Girls tour. So I’ve never heard “Kickstart” live. Bring it on…

Prediction for how many times Tommy says the word “fuck”: At least 15 (probably that many during the drum solo)
Range of motion for Mick: 1-3” – for the whole show. He will actually be there on stage when we arrive and then hoisted off when we leave
Best looking overall and most energetic: Nikki (despite the years of drugs – he’s our generation’s Keith Richards)
Chances of Vince saying something about the amount of weight he lost or the work he had done: 85%

Okay, I think I’m going to actually make this a blog entry…

From: Amber
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 10:15 AM
To: Johnson
Subject: Re: Crue

i too am ready to rock out. you're the best for laying this all out for us so we can all rock in a timely manner. thank you for that. i cannot wait. let's start bantering now.
top 5 guesses at surprises for tomorrow night's show:

generation swine neptunes remix medley
nikki's new haircut
vince's new nose
mick's new hip
tommy's same old monster-schlong


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